Cast & crew

Erik Veltenaar was born on April 24, 1967 and lives in Amsterdam.

Jonathan van der Lugt

Jonathan van der Lugt was born on September 28, 192 and is living in Blaricum.

Farida was born on December 16, 1982. She is living in Amsterdam.

Wassim was born on January 21, 1989 in Aleppo Syria. In Syria between 2003 and 2007 he worked on a regular base as a decor designer for plays and several movies.


Remi was born on March 1, 1989 and comes from Aleppo in Syria.


Ghaith was born on April 27, 1996 in Damascus Syria. In Damascus he studied Hotel management. He always has had a passion for theatre.

Rasha was born on May 31, 2001 in Syria. Rasha has been living in Amsterdam since three years. Her hometown is Hoorn.


Rashad was born on May 23, 1984 in Swaida Syria. Since 2016 Rashad has been living in The Netherlands. He is very satisfied with his house in Amsterdam.

Mohammed was born on January 1, 2000 in Syria. He now lives in Amsterdam Zuidoost.


Khadija was bon on Oktober 15, 1990 in Amstedam West. She is from Morrocan origin and has been living in Amsterdam her whole life.


Shana Noya was born on November 9, 1950 in Indonesia. She came to The Netherlands as an eight months old baby. Her musical career started in 1980 as a professional percussionist. Both national as international.


Geronimo was born on August 27, 1971 and is from Moluks/Sumatran origin. He is keyboardist, composer and producer.

Hilde was born in Amsterdam in 1961. She played in multiple orchestras. Besides violin and alt violin, she also took piano and bass guitar lessons plus a year of Arabic violin lessons.


Nizar was born on November 29, 1984 in Irak. Now he is living in Amsterdam.


Mahmoud was born in 1980 and is from Idlib Syria.